Your event – Our team – Meetings perfectly organized!
Are you planning an international scientific conference? An important project meeting? A website for a top-notch research symposium? Or do you need to find a charming hotel for your department’s next retreat? – We are here to help!
We will turn your conference, meeting, symposium, seminar or workshop into a successful, special and enjoyable experience! You can benefit from our special hotel rates, insight knowledge about fancy restaurants in 50 European and Eastern European cities, and our marketing expertise. If you think that your budget is too tight to hire professionals, let’s think about ways to finance your event together. You will be surprised what’s possible!
CODEC is specialized in the management of EU-funded projects. Effective project meetings are a vital aspect of a successful project. We know from experience that projects run best if the partners – or at least some of them – personally meet once or twice a year to discuss the current progress and next steps. Here you can also count on us because CODEC brings in a team of professional event organisers who know how to organize meetings and conferences in compliance with the EC guidelines.

If you are interested in our services please CONTACT OUR EXPERT and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.